Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Today we had professional pictures taken of Christopher just one day shy of him being a month old.  I was a little nervous about the flow of today because Christopher woke me screaming at 3am this morning, I think the poor little guy was having a bad dream:(  Despite my fears, Christopher was picture perfect!  I think he is so use to a camera being stuck in his face all the time by Clint and I, but actually credit is due to the amazing photographer that was referred to us, Lori Dorman:

For those of you who have a little one, check out her website.  You can either go to her studio, or she will come to your house like she did for us.  The experience was so much fun!  She has spent her whole life working with babies so she is so wonderful with them.  I can't wait to see all the final pictures and share them with everyone.  On a funny note, Clint got peed and pooped on several times during the shoot...Ah the glamour of naked baby photography:)

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The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby