Monday, October 26, 2009

A Night Out Alone

Clint and I bought tickets to the U2 concert at the Pasadena Rose Bowl a long time ago as a gift to each other for our birthdays.  I don't particularly love large crowds, but they are the one group that I will endure the masses for.  We knew we would have our son by this time, but figured we would be ready to have someone watch him since he would almost be 2 months old.  As I've probably mentioned before, we are so blessed by our neighborhood and neighbors, really they are worth the big mortgage we pay every month!  Our neighbor Cindy up the street offered to come to our house to watch the little man for us.  She has a nephew who just turned one that she has been watching since birth so she assured me all would be fine and to just go have a good time!  Well, surprisingly getting to the concert wasn't so bad (over 96 thousand attendance predicted).  We did have to park over 20 miles away, but good exercise.  Our seats were awesome, 10 rows away from the ground level(should be for the price we paid!).  U2 was their typical amazing selves, the best band ever in my opinion!  I, however have to admit that the whole time I thought about my son:)  We left the concert a 1/2 hour early to avoid the exit crowds and it's a good thing because it took us forever to find our car.  Luckily we got out of there in time to bet the major rush.  All-in-all it was a fun evening and Christopher did well with Cindy.  My son even slept-in until 4:30am this morning to give mamma a break from her late night...such a sweet boy!


  1. Oh I saw U2 3 years ago and it was a FANTASTIC show. So fun that you got to go!

  2. Yes, I think I've seen them at least 4 or 5 times over the years!


The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby