Thursday, October 22, 2009

Another Ignorant Discovery

My girlfriend Melissa gave me this great all natural brush/comb set for a shower gift.  Rookie-mom me thought it was just a cool baby brush/comb set.  Not until the pediatrician said yesterday that Christopher has a little cradle cap did I finally realize the real benefit of the brush in this combo set.  Now I also know why she gave me cotton balls!  Had she also put in a bottle of olive oil, I really would of known what was cooking...or more likely be really confused:).  Per the pediatricians instructions, this morning I used the cotton balls to put a little olive oil on baby boy's head and used the brush Melissa gave me to gently brush the cradle cap away...It worked beautifully and I think Christopher liked the head massage too!  Who would of known that olive oil isn't just for cooking!

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