Friday, October 23, 2009

1st Road Trip

Christopher ready for the trip
Bear in his travel spot 
The delicious chocolate/cappuccino shower cake
The amazing shower backdrop, my mother-in-law's backyard
The picture perfect table settings
Carol and baby Rocco

Cousin Sharon and Clint
Melissa and Me and our precious Baby Boys
Grandma Parsons
Grandma Horasanian
Grandpa Horasanian
GG #1, Great Grandma Curry
Grandpa Paul and Chris, early morn
Grandma Audrey and Chris singing, or rather screaming!
GG #2, Great Grandma Kasparian
GG Kasparian's adorable homemade bonnet

Ahhh...all the boys are in bed and I'm writing two postings in one day while eating shortbread cookies from an amazing bakery in Fresno that my mother-in-law got me, it has been a good day!  Last weekend we headed-out on our first road trip with the boy to Fresno for a shower Clint's mom was throwing us and a chance to meet the rest of Clint's family and friends.  Christopher handled himself really well on the ride thanks to some Billy Corgan (Papa would think:)) and the paci.  The shower was a page out of a Martha Stewart magazine.  Christopher made the rounds with the ladies, he truly was cuddled and loved all day!  This weekend was especially special because Christopher got to meet both his Great Grandmas, yes he has two GGs!  Here are some pics from last weekend...    

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