Friday, October 2, 2009

One Day at a Time

I'm realizing now that besides Christopher teaching us a lot about himself daily, the larger gift we are receiving is what he is teaching us about ourselves and what is really important.  From joy to frustration, from tiredness to elation, each day is unique in its' own way.  We often live life just for what's around the corner instead of stopping, taking in our surroundings, and cherishing what we have in front of us.  After a long cranky day with my boy yesterday, I woke this morning to a smiling little pea in a pod (that's what I call him when he's swaddled), and realized yesterday and tomorrow do not matter, right now is priceless!  So, thank you little man, for making me truly present for the first time in my life:)


The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby