Friday, October 30, 2009

Mini Monster

Went to the doc today to get a follow-up exam...Looks like the final verdict is still acid reflux probably along with colic.  I guess this kid was destined to get some tummy troubles since both Clint and I had problems when we were babies as well:(  Good news is that it seems either the new soy formula or prevacid is starting to take effect and we are almost to the peek time of such tummy problems.  Oh, how I long for the day my little guy doesn't have so much pain in his belly to deal with.  In the mean time, the doc also said Chris should have lots of time on his tummy to help ease the discomfort, even supervised naps.  So instead of "Hammer Time" in our house, it's "Tummy Time"!  I think this Halloween onesie is very appropriate for my poor little screamer; a gift from our good friend Carol's sister.  

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