Friday, October 23, 2009


The past couple of nights have been a bit challenging in the Kasparian Casa.  Not sure if it was the big weekend last week, a new change in Christopher's Digestive System, or something else.  From around 4pm until 7pm, Christopher has been crying non-stop, arching his back in pain.  The pediatrician thinks it might be GERD, or acid reflux, but I'm trying my hand at all natural approaches first before trying any meds.  It's so crazy how things come out of nowhere, they really do change so quickly at this stage in life.  Just when I get this one solved, they'll be something else I'm sure:)  Well, last night was particularly bad (of course Clint was working), Chris started-in around 3pm and went on until bedtime around 8:30pm.  Nothing I did seemed to help him but bouncing him on my hip around the house.  I tried putting him in the Baby Bjorn to save my back, but he would have nothing to do with it, hence my late night Motrin 800 fix.  Today I was wiser (you live and learn), and got out the Baby Bjorn at the onset of a fuss, and let me tell you I had that kid in it for almost two hours...Bear even got a mini walk tonight, a novelty lately!  Can you tell I didn't get a shower today:)

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