Monday, September 21, 2009

Rising From the Ashes

I officially crashed and burned on Saturday.  I woke up to not one, but both breasts with infection.  Happy Anniversary honey, five years and what do you get...A hysterical wife with red-hot breasts (not the kind that are sexy).  After much crying, I realized an important decision needed to be made.  My son may have my husbands Armenian looks, but he definitely has my Italian appetite.  Although I really wanted to breast feed exclusively, I have been struggling with the constant feedings (most every 1-1 1/2 hours) and my son's aggressive approach to the nipple.  I can't blame him, the big boy is hungry!  So, my first thought was that I would pump exclusively and feed him breast milk in a bottle.  After a few bottle tests, I am happy to report that he likes the "Born Free" bottles, they seem to have the slowest flow for newborns.  But after two days of pumping constantly I realized quickly that I will not be able to manage being a pump station either.  After a few more tears, a few texts to girlfriends, I started thinking pumping and supplementing with formula.  I think this course of action will be much more manageable.  I have a call into Christopher's pediatrician to officially see what advice they can give me as well before I start this new endeavor.  So, I may not be a full-fledged "Breast Feeding Goddess", but hopefully I qualify for "Pump Princess":)  

Happy Two-Week Birthday Baby Boy!  Last night and this morning Christopher has been making lots of grunting noises...Papa says it's growing pains.  Here's a pic from this morning's bath...  

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