Monday, September 28, 2009

"Mother of the Week"

Today is a big day on many fronts...Christopher is 3 weeks old, Big Brother Bear is 6 years old, and Mamma Kasparian made a major discovery today...Christopher's O+ bottle nipples were working fine in the beginning when we introduced the bottle, but the past two days we all thought something was going wrong with the nipples because the flow seemed clogged , and Christopher started spitting up more formula than usual and was gassy.  This also led us to believe that perhaps the answer was that Christopher wasn't digesting his formula as well anymore.  After much thought and a late night Internet search, I put two-and-two together that perhaps what was needed was the next flow level in nipples.  Although the next level is marked for 3-6 months, they say that this is just an average and that more aggressive eaters, my son:), may need the level sooner.  So, off I ran to the drug store this morning at 9am while my little boy slept in hopes that this was the answer.  I quickly returned, sterilized the nipples, and had them ready for his next meal...Voila, the mystery was solved!  My mother instinct had arrived! I took this little achievement with great pride and introduced myself to my husband and father visiting this morning as... "Mother of the Week".

Here's a morning pic of Christopher hanging with papa after his bath...Yes, the little man has baby acne:(


  1. Hooray for mother's intuition! you are the mother of the year and he's getting nice and full again.

    Let's go walking on Friday. wahoo

    ah, that face!

  2. Friday sounds good...Just let me know what time works best for you, and we will be there!


The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby