Monday, September 14, 2009

A Day of 1st's...

Happy 1st week Birthday to Christopher!  It was a big day of celebrations, filled with many new firsts...

1)  Christopher took his first sleep in his bassinet (short as it was, I'll take it!)
2)  Christopher took a pacifier for a few moments ( I'm hoping this will help give me some relief from his every-hour feeding requests)
3)  Christopher got his first sponge bath (I'm going to invest in Aveeno baby products now because their "calming bath soap"  really does work!)  
4)  Mamma  extracted his first boogie ( It's funny how something so gross, is so cute when it comes from a baby)

As for our visit with Aunt Jennifer...I am so blessed to have her here since Clint has to work long hours this entire week.  I know now that I could not do this alone quite yet. She has already taught me so much, improving my learning curve greatly!  Christopher loves kisses from her and loves to nap on her lap.  Pics of her visit coming soon...

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