Thursday, June 2, 2011

9 months and just a few days shy of 21 months

Today is Noah's actual 9 month birthday! Chris will be 21 months in 5 days. My babies are almost 1 and 2! Where has the time gone? A good friend once said "The days are long, but the years go fast!"...I so get it now! I just put out our swing Grandpa Bill bought for Chris last year and Noah loves it, especially swinging high. It is so funny how these boys are so different because Chris has never really enjoyed riding in the swing, he's more of a slide guy:) So, Noah's new favorite things are crawling EVERYWHERE and swinging. Chris LOVES walking Bear. Needless to say we get a lot of exercise around here which I know is good.

Next week Clint and I start touring preschools for Chris, I can't believe it!

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The Kasparians
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