Monday, May 30, 2011

mini trip

We finally took a mini trip to Fresno this past week. A lot of exciting firsts on this trip...Number one, Noah got to meet GG Kasparian for the first time. As you can see below, Chris still holds his GG very dear:) Secondly, Noah, as well as all of us, got to meet his new buddy Stanley Saroyan...2 months younger, but quickly catching up. We stayed at the Saroyan's new home which was amazing. They live on 2 acres with neighbors that have horses that daddy walked Christopher and Ella out to see twice a much fun!

(On a side note, strangers are starting to ask if Chris and Noah are twins! Noah is so huge he will be Chris' size soon no doubt:))

GG Kasparian and Christopher

All the boys and GG

Stanley and Noah

Ella Saroyan and Noah

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