Friday, May 6, 2011

Big Bro and a Day at the Arboretum

As you can tell from these first two pics, it was a beautiful day at the Los Angeles Arboretum in Arcadia. It was our first trip and a great experience to remember and do again soon! Noah had fun with his girlfriend Maggie, but on to Chris...

I feel like I haven't spent much time lately highlighting what's going on with our Big Boy. These are a few if the many things I don't want to forget...1) When I have to give him Oragel for his teeth I tell him to chomp like a T-Rex and he growls at me every time 2) He blows kisses to EVERYONE & EVERYTHING when he says goodbye 3) He loves running wild through the sprinkler 4) He loves giving his little bro BIG bear hugs, even though it often knocks Noah over and ends up making him cry 5) Even more than bear hugs, he loves making Noah laugh 6) He's aka the "Kissie Monster" 7) He loves pouring sand on his head, I don't know why but it is so Chris! 8) He stops and smells EVERY flower he sees when we take Bear on walks (I hope he does this the rest of his life)...I must go, starting to cry:)


A little young don't ya think:)

Beautiful Peacocks!

Wide Open Fields

He was out in under 3 minutes and took a 4 hour nap that day!

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