Saturday, January 16, 2010

Vacation Pics

Chris & Papa at the Beach in Carmel
Chris & I at the beach
Chris getting early training from the owner of our favorite wine/cheese shop in Carmel
Chris & Papa at lunch in Pacific Grove
Chris & I at Lefty O'Douls in SF
Sweet Papa making our poor sick baby laugh tonight:)

My instincts were right, poor baby boy is for sure teething and has an ear infection:( Thank goodness our wonderful pediatrician was working today and got us in right away because I could tell our little guy was not himself. Despite his discomfort Chris still enjoyed a ride on Papa's head tonight, his new joy in life! Here are some pics from our trip to San Francisco/Pacific Grove & Carmel. Despite Chris still hating car rides, once he arrived he had so much fun visiting family, friends, and new exciting places. More pics to come, these are just the pics from our cell phones...

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The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby