Wednesday, January 13, 2010

1st Meal

We just got back in town today from a week's vacation in San Francisco and Pacific Grove...Well Chris and I had most of the vacation, poor Clinto had to work the whole time in SF. Anyway, fun pics from our trip to come, for now I just wanted to make note of our big boy's first semi-solid meal. Tonight Chris ate a few spoonfuls of rice cereal. He took to the spoon really well and seemed to like this new experience...I hope you can see the mess all over his face:)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! You're back! He looks so so cute eating his cereal. what a big boy.
    if you have time next week, maybe simon and i can come over and visit.
    I have a bob stroller for you, we can drop it off!


The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby