Sunday, January 31, 2010

Future in Football?

Not sure, but Christopher sure looks good in his Steelers Jersey Grandpa Bill got him. We took these pics for Grandpa Bill's birthday that was on January 29th.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


We of course think our little guy is the cutest baby in the world...We are hoping that the folks at Regis and Kelly/Gerber think the same. We just entered this pic bellow in a contest to win Christopher his college tuition. More info to come on voting March 1st.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

4 Months

I know it is actually almost 5 months now...but today we finally went to Christopher's 4 month check-up because it was the first day Clint has had off in awhile, and I'm too big of a baby myself to take Chris for his vaccines alone. Christopher did amazingly well, didn't even cry as Papa held him and Mama did a silly distracting dance. He weighed in at 15 pounds 10 ounces and measured 25 1/2 inches long. Happy Belated 4 months big boy!
(The sweet quilt above was made by his GG Curry and Nana Parsons)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Better Late than Never...

Our Christmas this year was simple and sweet...Just Papa, Mama, Grandpa Bill, Brother Bear, and Baby Chris. We had two wonderful days of great food and relaxation. Next, a great visit from Auntie Jennifer and her family, and then off to San Francisco for many adventures with family and friends.
Papa making an incredible Chocolate Cake...yes he bakes!
Me and my Boys
Grandpa Bill
A Cuddle by the Fire
The Dennis Gang...

Mama Bianca!
Cousin Curtis
Me and cute Boys in SF

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Meet Bob!

Thanks to our friends, Emily and Doug, we now are going to be cruising the neighborhood in style! Today, Christopher and I took our new Bob out for a test drive and we fell in love! Such a smooth ride for both driver and passenger. We walked all over our neighborhood, so glad to be outside and rain free! Thank you sooooo much our good friends!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Vacation Pics

Chris & Papa at the Beach in Carmel
Chris & I at the beach
Chris getting early training from the owner of our favorite wine/cheese shop in Carmel
Chris & Papa at lunch in Pacific Grove
Chris & I at Lefty O'Douls in SF
Sweet Papa making our poor sick baby laugh tonight:)

My instincts were right, poor baby boy is for sure teething and has an ear infection:( Thank goodness our wonderful pediatrician was working today and got us in right away because I could tell our little guy was not himself. Despite his discomfort Chris still enjoyed a ride on Papa's head tonight, his new joy in life! Here are some pics from our trip to San Francisco/Pacific Grove & Carmel. Despite Chris still hating car rides, once he arrived he had so much fun visiting family, friends, and new exciting places. More pics to come, these are just the pics from our cell phones...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

1st Meal

We just got back in town today from a week's vacation in San Francisco and Pacific Grove...Well Chris and I had most of the vacation, poor Clinto had to work the whole time in SF. Anyway, fun pics from our trip to come, for now I just wanted to make note of our big boy's first semi-solid meal. Tonight Chris ate a few spoonfuls of rice cereal. He took to the spoon really well and seemed to like this new experience...I hope you can see the mess all over his face:)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Church Boy

Heading Out on a New Adventure...

So, tomorrow the dog, Christopher, and I are making are way to our halfway point, Fresno, before we make our way to San Francisco for a little adventure with Papa while he works on a job up there. I have to admit I'm filled with excitement and a little fear for my first trip alone with the little ones.

Today Christopher attended his first church service, or should I say he "slept" in his Mama's arms during his first service. He managed really well and seemed at peace the whole ride home.

Big brother Bear has been so great with Chris, I wish I could say he has been the same to other kids that have visited. He unfortunately has nipped twice now at two of my friend's little ones and I'm realizing now that he is super protective of Christopher, but still we need to put a stop to this! It, however has been really neat watching his dynamic change with Chris...he lets him kick and bat at him cuz Chris loves to kick and bat at everything, a true boy to the core! And where ever Chris is you are sure to find Bear close by...just like below hanging out on Papa's putting green...

The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby