Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's that time of year...

Christmas!  Ah, there is nothing better to wake up to then the smell of pine throughout your house...Unless of course you also have a cute baby boy to wake up to too, who happens to sleep through the night already at 3months old!  Yes, we have had some challenges with this little guy, but I must say we are very lucky because he started sleeping through the night pretty much at 2 months old.  At first we would put him down to bed between 5-6pm, just because he and us were all exhausted from the colic hours.  He then would sleep until 2-3am and go back to sleep again until 4am.  Even though the first stretch we were thankful for, it's rough starting your day off at 4am!  Anyway, now that we have moved past the colic, we now are trying to get Chris to stay up longer so he will get up later in the morning.  So far this month we have moved him to his own room as you already know with great success!  I have now started giving him baths in the evening and have managed the last two nights to put him down at 7pm, which has now pushed is morning rise to 4-5am and then officially up at 6-6:30am...much more civilized:)  Now, on to my next tasks at hand...A better nap schedule with hopefully better naps (at least longer than 10minutes please!), and then on to getting him to go down at night without swaddling.  The later is going to take some time I believe, he still claws at his face when his hands are free.  Already, I'm realizing that tummy time is better for his naps, he just took a 45minute one!   Next week I will start to tackle the swaddling.  Anyway, Chris loves hanging out in his new Bumbo seat even though he can't manage to stay completely upright quite yet, as you can see here at 6:30am this morning in front of our Christmas tree.

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