Thursday, December 17, 2009

An Interesting Day...

So my son's football team isn't doing so great this year, but my son's naps however were amazing today! By now most of you know how neurotic my husband and I are as new parents, but this really takes the cake. As I've discussed before, my son is not the best nap taker. Out of the blue today he took an hour & half nap and then two other 45 minute naps without a fight. Instead of being relieved at this, my husband and I of course instantly thought something was wrong. So after the first long nap the thermometer came out:) No temp of course, but after another long nap without a battle I decided to call Christopher's awesome pediatrician's nurse who never gives me a bad time about my often rookie questions...Her response, enjoy it while it lasts! Although she did say he could be getting a little bug that his body is naturally trying to take care of by getting extra rest, and I have had a little cold lately. The whole day he was full of smiles and so peaceful, maybe his colic is NOW officially gone and this is our new baby boy. Either way, I sure enjoyed getting Christmas things done today while he napped.

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