Friday, January 27, 2012

I learned my lesson...

There is no such thing as a good cheap hair cut! The girl who normally cuts Chris' hair was out of town and the boys were both way over do so I caved-in and took them to a cheap place around the corner from our house. Never again! On a positive note, the lady was a very nice Armenian woman and the boys made me so proud at how good they were...And, they had a lot of fun in the jeep booth and loved the lollipops they got. So all wasn't lost, even if the two look like the girl from Amelie now:)

On a side note...I had a very big proud mama moment today when we were leaving the playground and Chris went up to two very nice moms we met and held out his hand to shake both of theirs and said "nice to meet you"...their hearts were melted instantly, as was mine:)

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The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby