Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What's Been Cooking this Summer...

Noah is almost walking and Chris still runs around like a wild man. Heaven help me! We've been enjoying our local surroundings mostly this summer so far, but getting ready for some fun trips up ahead. Here's a look at what's been cooking...

Cooling Off outside with Bear Dog

Eating Yummy Tomatoes off the Vine in Uncle Phil's Garden

Playing House in Sunday School

Otter Pops, lots of Otter Pops!!! (A Teething Savior:))

Water Fun at B-day Parties

Partying with all of Burbank Downtown at Her 100th Celebration

Fun, but CRAZY!!!

And, Bocelli...What would I do without this man! I've learned to put him on while I'm making dinner to avoid the hunger meltdowns that usually occur. If I only had a quick fix for every other meltdown:)

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The Kasparians
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