Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Trails & Triumphs...

Today I took Noah for his 9 month pediatrician appointment, even though he is actually already 10 months:) Where does the time go! Almost 22 pounds and 3o inches long, this boy is going to be a big one Dr. Lang chuckled. Poor boy is teething badly, but weathered the vaccines pretty well. My big "Triumph" today was getting him to be able to finally eat some chunky baby food!!! Not sure if I have mentioned yet, the boy eats A LOT, but hasn't been able to transition to texture food like he should be able to for his age. Anytime I have tried to graduate him to 9 month baby food he gags or pukes up the food:( It is so clear that he wants to eat our food though! The doc gave me a referral for a Occupational Therapist for help. I finally made the call today and after a long conversation with the person who gathers all the health benefits information about first finding out what my health insurance will cover, I was determined that I was going to work this out myself! Well, I slowly snuck Noah a little Beef and Rice Pilaf Earth's Best tonight and he really went for it, so I slowly started to put more on his spoon. He ate almost an entire 9 oz jar! We did a little victory cheer, tomorrow...Chicken & Stars!

10 months

Anyway, onto my "Trial" for the day quickly. Chris now likes to run and jump on everything, including mama:) He also likes to do it when you least expect it...Well, tonight his surprise punched mama's big tooth through her upper lip. OUCH!!!! I actually cried and blood came gushing out. Poor Chris felt so bad, he kept kissing me and saying sorry. BOYZ! Will they ever learn the meaning of SLOW DOWN or GENTLE:)

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