Sunday, October 10, 2010

Super Powers or an Old Soul trying to tell us something?

I think it is the latter of the two. Noah has already turned himself over from his stomach to his back during tummy time. Are we in trouble or what? I wouldn't believe it if it wasn't for the fact that it happened right before my eyes, twice! I also have three witnesses now! At two weeks Noah turned himself over for the first time in front of my mom and myself. I thought maybe a freak incident, but no, just yesterday Noah did it again in front of my good friend Susie and Clint. For many reasons I have thought this little guy to have an old soul but now I'm convinced! I think this is his way of letting us know that he comes already equipped with many capabilities so..."Just chill out about the tummy time and let me take in my new life by lying on my back which I prefer":)

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