I can't believe our little Noah is already one month old today! He really isn't little anymore! As of last week he was already 9 pounds 4 ounces. He, like Christopher, LOVES to eat! So, I'm sure you can understand why it has been a while since I've posted anything...Just in case you can't understand let me give you some insight...Two babies under a year apart = a major juggling act! I now feel like I'm in boot camp for a gigantic circus act. Both boys have already master the act of crying at the same time, or should I say "screaming". Did I mention yet that Chris still has a darn ear infection that his last round of antibiotics did not attack! So, now big brother is on some stronger antibiotics that I pray take action quickly. Noah is having some stomach/sleep issues at night that we are working on. Christopher luckily still puts himself to sleep and sleeps all night even through little one's cries. Christopher also quickly took to his sippy cup with whole milk so I'm at least only doing bottles for one kid, I'm saying my prayers this continues...
Although in one day you can experience everything from a dead car battery, a flat stroller tire, a freaked out dog from thunder, and two babies screaming...I'm amazed how you can go from feeling like the worst mother ever to the luckiest person in the world! I'm also amazed at how I'm still functioning on such little sleep. Truth be told, I'm very happy to report that starting next week I will have help two days a week! I know this is going to be the best thing for me and the boys, mama needs her sanity:)
Here are some recent pics...Noah is an old soul with the sweetest smiles. Poor Christopher is suffering from some jealousy, but luckily I can still manage to get a giggle out of him. The last pic is of Chris hugging Noah. There have been a lot of sweet moments already with these two, as well as some frightening ones:) Oh boy do I have a lot of training ahead:)