Friday, August 20, 2010

Our Adventure for the Day

Kidspace in Pasadena-an amazing adventure land for children, and adults too really! Today our neighbor across the street, Libby and her two sons Aiden and Eli, took us to one of the coolest places for kids in SoCal. Just ask Britney Spears' kids, they were playing next to us with their bodyguard and nanny today. Christopher had so much fun as you will see below...Thank goodness daddy is off tomorrow, mamma needs some rest:)

Not sure about the wall of lightning bolts as we enter...

But, quickly we have no fear and are running free...

I was impressed that he actually used some caution when crawling down this slope...

And, down another...

Too much fun:)

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The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby