Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Buddy Simon!

Since the last time Mama Chamberlain and I goofed and missed the opportunity to ride the kiddy train at "Travel Town", today we made a quick trip in honor of our buddy Simon's 1st Birthday! Simon is exactly one week older than Chris. Here the kids are taking a "Mum Mum" break...

Ah, and proof we made it on the train this time...

Best Daddy in the World!

Thank heaven daddy has been off the past couple of days because mommy has not been so much fun! Not only is he the BEST daddy in the world, he's a pretty amazing husband. Chris, Baby Boy #2, and I are very lucky:)

Enjoying the fountain outside my favorite brunch place, "The Smoke House"

Quality Time on the Greens

Learning BBQ secrets

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Any Day Now???

Could it be? Nothing is certain, but I did start to feel a lot of cramping last night and today can barely move. I go to the doc tomorrow to see if anything is officially shaking down below, but my gut instinct tells me that it will be any day now...So, we figured we better take a few pics of my preggo belly now because I guarantee that I will not be preggo for awhile (at least 3 months).

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Christopher's 1st Haircut

Hair by Amanda D'Alfonso
So much Fun!
My New Little Man:)
We even got a Certificate to Mark the day!

Beating the Heat!

We are so fortunate to have good friends that are making their way our way during this crazy heat spell. 105 degree weather go away! As if I wasn't already ready to get this pregnancy over with:) Anyway, here is cutie pie Paige Lorton who came over to play yesterday.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday's Update

Went to weekly OBGYN appointment today and still nothing! I go back next Monday, but we did discuss the possibility of inducing early because of baby's size. So, unless this little guy decides to take action soon, it will be another week to see. I have to be honest that it is getting really tough to keep up with Chris carrying an extra 40 pounds around myself. I want to no longer be pregnant for sure, but I also have so much anxiety about having two little ones at once. Here are just a few of the worries I carry around with me...1) how will I manage the feeding demands of a newborn and be able to have the energy for Chris? 2) will Chris feel neglected by me, or worse yet, feel I don't love him as much? 3) what will this new family dynamic be like? 4) can I do this? Can you tell I'm very exhausted and hormonal:)

Anyway, moving on...To keep you updated with our latest outings and events. We went to a 1st birthday party on Sunday for one of the boys in our playgroup, sorry no pics. And, today Chris' buddy Dominic D'Alfonso came over for some playtime and music, pic below...

Grandma Audrey would be proud Chris' piano abilities, although he is a bit of a diva requesting me to feed him his bottle often while he plays:)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Our Adventure for the Day

Kidspace in Pasadena-an amazing adventure land for children, and adults too really! Today our neighbor across the street, Libby and her two sons Aiden and Eli, took us to one of the coolest places for kids in SoCal. Just ask Britney Spears' kids, they were playing next to us with their bodyguard and nanny today. Christopher had so much fun as you will see below...Thank goodness daddy is off tomorrow, mamma needs some rest:)

Not sure about the wall of lightning bolts as we enter...

But, quickly we have no fear and are running free...

I was impressed that he actually used some caution when crawling down this slope...

And, down another...

Too much fun:)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Count Down...

With just 3 weeks until baby boy #2's due date, I'm trying to get out as much with Christopher to see our friends and some fun places. Today we went to "Travel Town" with the Chamberlains (Simon & Penny pictured below), a fun outdoor museum of old train cabins to explore and a kiddie train to ride. Unfortunately us mommas were not too coordinated and missed the opportunity to ride the kiddie train while we were there, but the kids still had a lot of fun scooting and walking around. On a side note, Simon was born just a week before Chris at the same hospital. So neat to see these little ones grow together. Now I'm off to a nap while Chris snoozes as well. Til' the next adventure....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Some Video...

We Love Mum Mums:)

Brave First Steps

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Here we go again...

Ear infection time again! Well, we at least had a couple months teething/ear infection free, but the two seem to go hand-n-hand with this poor little guy. Just when I thought we were surviving the 5 new teeth coming in pretty well...BAM! I'm just happy he was able to enjoy his birthday party before this one hit because he's pretty miserable. Here are a few moments below of smiles in-between the tears the past couple of days.

Nothing like fun with TP!
One of his favorite things, a Balloon. He calls them "BaBas".
A guitar he got for his birthday that he loves jammin to!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Christopher's 1st Birthday Party

Here are a few pics from Chris' 1st Birthday Party we celebrated on Saturday, August 7th. His actual birthday is September 7th, but we wanted to make sure I was present and not in labor or in delivery since baby boy#2 is due around the same time. The party was perfect, Chris had a blast!

The Decor
The Games

The Cake & Cupcakes
The Birthday Boy devouring his cake!

11 months

Our little one is almost a year old, so hard to believe! Here's a recent pic of him his daddy took while the two of them road the train at Travel Town. Chris loves action and adventure! From the moment he wakes, the kid is moving non-stop. He is starting to walk on his own. A bunch of teeth are coming in like gang busters, 4 on top and 1 more on the bottom (7 total). He now thinks he should eat and drink everything we do. He LOVES music and dances anytime there is some. He is curious about everything, and now points all the time. He keeps us on our toes and very entertained around the clock:)

The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby