Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy 9 Months!

One thing is for sure...He is a goofy kid! We love him so much! He's almost walking, which has us running in circles already and baby-proofing like mad:) He finally gets his helmet (DOC Band) off on the 24th of this month, it is amazing to see the difference it has made! We go for our 9-month check-up this Thursday, so current weight & height to come...

Below: We went on a long walk with our new friend and fellow Bob mate, Louise Delgato, yesterday...And, went on our first swing ride (which as you can see, we LOVED!!!)


  1. He looks so tall hanging out of that swing! cute baby. can't believe he's getting his helmet off already. we haven't seen you nearly enough in the last 6 months! i'll swing by this week, if you're around. maybe we can catch up.

  2. We would love for you to visit! Time is flying!


The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby