What more do you need really? Yesterday, Chris and I hung out in the backyard for an hour just taking-in our natural surroundings. I love how he is so intrigued by everything around him, I love to watch him take it all in. I'm realizing our days are numbered, just the two of us...So, I'm cherishing every moment we share together before little brother arrives. Each day I realize how lucky I am to have all these moments with our little guy, while poor Papa works so hard. We look forward to when he arrives home each night, in hopes that he arrives before Chris goes to bed. I love to watch how excited he gets when "DaDa" walks through the door.
I forgot to give the latest update from his 9 month check-up. He lost a pound and is now 19 pounds (no doubt from all the running around he does), and is 27 3/4 inches tall. Poor little guy had three vaccines which left him with a minor temp and not feeling so good, but he was strong! I hate to put this in print because I fear this will jinx my glorious new rest, but Chris is now going to bed between 7:30-8pm most nights and getting up between 7-8am. He also puts himself to sleep...It is complete heaven:)