Friday, May 7, 2010

Spider Monkey

I can't believe my little guy is 8 months old today! He now crawls around the house and gets into everything! He only has two bottom teeth, but is still teething & drooling like crazy so some more should be here soon. His favorite food so far is yogurt. He's now starting to sleep-in until 6-6:30am...I never thought I would be so excited about this call-time, but I'll take it any day over the previous 5-5:30am:) Very excited because he is 20 pounds now and I am waiting for the delivery of his new forward-facing car seat, I pray this makes car travel easier.

I'm now past the halfway mark with my pregnancy and starting to get big! Oh, how I wonder each day...How on earth am I going to find the energy to chase two little guys around!?!

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