Monday, August 31, 2009

Can you hear me baby boy in utero???

Another doc appointment, no dilation!  What is it with this little guy?  First, he wants to come into the world early,  now he's taking his sweet time.  I know I'm not full-term, 5 days away, but the scenario I feared is now upon us...We always knew that my due date was on the one weekend my doctor was not available, the nerve of his daughter to schedule her wedding on this very date:)  But, we figured, what are the odds of him actually coming on this date?  Now as the date approaches, I'm not so sure!  I'm starting to get a little nervous and anxious that this child is going to finally decide to make his way into the world this weekend.   

If I do make it past the weekend, we have a tentative c-section scheduled for 9-09-09 (I do admit that the date is unique, and certainly easy to remember).  I will go see the doc again on the 8th to first see if anything has progressed by then...If not, we are scheduled the next day first thing in the morning at 7:30am.

So, basically I will be having some long talks with our little one over the next couple of days.  Either he needs to get things in gear real soon, like within the next three days, or else keep doing what he is doing and wait a little longer until the 9th.  Can you make such deals with an Armenian-Italian:)

Whatever shall be, we just want our baby to arrive safe and sound to us soon...

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The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby