Friday, August 21, 2009

38 weeks and counting...

I'm so ready to have this baby boy.  Clint, however, would like baby Kasparian to wait another week.  He says it's because he has a big job next week, which I know is partially true, but really I know it's because he's so excited about tickets he got to see Billy Corgan perform in an intimate setting next Friday.  My husband is a Smashing Pumpkins addict, what can I say?  

Anyway...Things I will not miss about pregnancy:  extreme heartburn, arthritic hands, bloody/congested noses (gross I know), and frequent restroom stops (I can't even make it through a movie anymore). What I will miss:  Being Pregnant, I still can't believe I've been given this amazing opportunity!

Well, here it goes...I'm not sure if it's hormones or inspiration from seeing a recent film, "Julie and Julia", but I've decided to start a blog about my rookie adventures through motherhood.  I'll apologize in advance for my grammar and spelling, I've always known my destiny not to be a writer.  I, however, will promise to try my best to keep this blog updated with notable daily activities and pictures in an effort to keep all those interested updated with the latest Kasparian tales.  

I hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!! I love it! That photo of you two plus Bear is the perfect pre-baby pic. You look amazing.

    Can't wait to check up on all the Kasparian haps!


The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby