Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lots of Fun...And, Not So Fun...

This past weekend Pa Marracino came to visit and went with us to Daddy's Union's Annual Christmas Party. As you can tell from the pics below we had tons of fun! (besides Noah not liking the laps of Santa or Mrs. Claus:0) It was a good thing both that we had Pa here and that we had tons of fun over the weekend because we then all fell victim one by one to a terrible stomach bug. Poor Noah Bean was sick all afternoon until the evening Saturday. Chris went down Monday morning, mama and daddy to follow later that afternoon. Doesn't the flu shot cover all types of flues!

Cute Noah Bean and the Christmas tie Mom made him wear

The only pic I could quickly capture of these two together before one shot off

Bounce House Fun

Maybe Noah knew what was around the corner for him that day...

My Rock Stars:)

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