Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

We were very fortunate this year to have 10 fun-filled days with family/friends all the way up to Christmas Day. So much better than last year! Here's a look at the past week and a half of festivities...

(The Christmas Tree at the Tenaya Lodge in Yosemite)
First off, we were able to escape sans kids for a weekend with the Kasparians. We had an amazing dinner at the Tenaya Lodge one evening...fireplace, fresh mountain air, and all!

Christopher was really all about Rudolph this year

Shopping for our Christmas Meal with GG

Santa (Papa Gene) Putting the kiddos really cool Firetruck together

Christmas Cookie Monster (Uncle Phil sure makes Yummy Cookies!)

Christmas Morning Muffins (My Boys LOVE to eat)

Noah Bean and GG reading a book for the 100th Time:)

Nana and the Boys

Papa Gene and the Boys

Our Little Christmas Tree:)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve

Santa was very generous already this year...Having lots of fun with Papa Gene, Nana, and GG. Pics and details to come...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lots of Fun...And, Not So Fun...

This past weekend Pa Marracino came to visit and went with us to Daddy's Union's Annual Christmas Party. As you can tell from the pics below we had tons of fun! (besides Noah not liking the laps of Santa or Mrs. Claus:0) It was a good thing both that we had Pa here and that we had tons of fun over the weekend because we then all fell victim one by one to a terrible stomach bug. Poor Noah Bean was sick all afternoon until the evening Saturday. Chris went down Monday morning, mama and daddy to follow later that afternoon. Doesn't the flu shot cover all types of flues!

Cute Noah Bean and the Christmas tie Mom made him wear

The only pic I could quickly capture of these two together before one shot off

Bounce House Fun

Maybe Noah knew what was around the corner for him that day...

My Rock Stars:)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Boys and their Bikes

Even though I'm exhausted most of the time trying to keep up with these two, I have to say our days are mostly filled with a lot of laughter and silliness. It has been a long while since I've recorded much about their individual personalities as they are coming into their own, so here it goes...

Noah "Bean" (as we all call him) loves to give open mouth kisses that are very wet, but I love. He now thinks he can do everything Big Bro does. He is slowly starting to eat with a fork and spoon, but still mostly prefers those good old hands. Words he speaks...Mama, Dada, Bear, Football, Book, More, and Otter Pops. He is not a glow baby boy like his Big Bro, he loves his blankie. His favorite things right now are dirt, pebbles, books, and boxes...he also loves to vacuum like his Big Bro. I love all the above about him, along with all the curls he's getting in the back of his head.

Christopher is still as adventurous as ever! He LOVES to dance and rock out with his daddy on the guitar. It has been so fun so far this year because he really got into Halloween and is getting into everything Christmas now. He is my lover boy, always giving hugs and kisses to all and saying "hi" to random strangers all the time, a cute trait his Little Bro is picking up too. I LOVE his wild-crazy hair, especially after a deep nap:) His other loves are Light Sabers, his Steelers Bike, drawing, blocks, and singing Christmas songs (we know Rudolf, Jingle Bells, and Frosty the Snowman so far). I love that he wants to say goodnight to the moon and stars every night. I recently put glow in the dark moons and stars above his bed so he has his own night sky to fall asleep to every night now.

The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby