Monday, September 26, 2011

Monster Bash

We are truly blessed! The party was a blast! Mostly in part because of all the love and help from family and friends. So I'm a little behind in posting pics, at least they are up in the same month as the party. There are still more pics to come. I made my first pinata that actually turned out pretty cool if I may say so:) The boys LOVED their cakes. It was a very relaxed, fun-filled afternoon watching the little guys in all their glory.

Yes, mom had to get her boys silly monster shirts:)

Noah doing what he does best so far, eating!

Riley is still all about the hugs & kisses

Noah discovering girl stuff

Look out world, I'm 1!

Chris playing with his favorite neighbor buddy Eli

Our Awesome Designer friend Susie and her man

Noah eating again

Auntie Cindy, aka Cupcake Queen

More Awesome Neighbors

Fun Friends

Big Boyz Golf

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