Friday, April 8, 2011

Drum Roll...

Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing Noah's New Room and the Amazing Man who built it, Gramps...

More detailed Pics to come...


  1. Wowa! Yvonne, it looks amazing even from this one pic! we definitely need to come see it. family is gone and im still playing catch up but lets try and hang out on friday or something.

  2. Sounds good. I think we are planning on heading to the zoo Friday, but we are dealing with ear infections once again:( Both boys again! What are you doing Saturday morn? We plan on going to Burbank's Spring Eggstravaganza if you want to join? McCambridge Park. The Easter Bunny will be there for pics and a egg hunt for 3 and under starts at may already know all this?


The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby