Monday, January 10, 2011

Tough Little Guy

Today Noah and Chris had their 4-month & 16-month Pediatrician visits. Both boys got two shots and a finger prick. Poor little Noah didn't care too much for the injections in his chubby thighs:( Christopher on the other hand was a champ and didn't cry once after each injection, one in each arm. Our Big Little Guy was rewarded with his favorite thing, a smoothie!

Here are the STATS: Chris 23 pounds, 32 inches...Noah 17 pounds, 25 inches

Since I just posted a pic of Noah, here is a recent pic and some video of Chris...

Here's Chris riding the little "Choo Choo" Train at Travel Town

Here's our Golf Pro in Training

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The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby