This is how happy both boys were to have their daddy home...Also, a trip to the zoo helped:) Yesterday we spent most of the day at the LA zoo. It was so fun watching Chris discover all the animals and I know Noah loved all the action too. I always say fresh air is the best medicine for kids and yesterday didn't disappoint. Last night Noah went down for the first time without waking up crying soon after and slept almost 9 hours! I guess we need to go to the zoo every day:)
Today, Chris had his 1 year check-up and was very brave like his little bro. So his STATS...22 pounds and 31 3/4 inches tall! He unfortunately has an iron deficiency so we will be supplementing that soon, but besides that all was healthy! Oh yeah, and he chipped his front tooth the other day when he crashed into the coffee table and didn't even shed a tear. Communication with Chris is getting easier every day now. It's amazing how much these little guys understand! I now ask him every night if he is ready for bed and when ready he shakes his head yes and heads for his room, how great is that! I love you so much BIG little man:)