Monday, September 13, 2010

My Boys

So I'm a bit behind on my blog, go figure:) I'm still trying to wrap my brain around taking care of two little ones. At least we have family visiting for the next several weeks so I'm not flying solo yet.
Noah LOVES his paci. He is a pretty mellow dude except when he's hungry. He doesn't like to go to bed early quit yet. My favorite moment each day is after he has been fed he always gives the biggest smile like the one above, usually his eyes are closed.
Chris LOVES golf! He spends most his days on the putting green with Grandpa. On this day above Daddy and Grandpa took him for his first round of golf which he loved. He's walking everywhere now. Some of his favorites are "Mum Mums" (rice cake snack), oatmeal, his guitar, the Millennium Falcon, and MUSIC! He loves to dance. He is getting so big! I can't believe that he is one already. Pics from his birthday to come I promise soon!

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The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby