Wednesday, July 14, 2010

10 Months Old

Here's a silly pic Clint took recently for Christopher's GG Kasparian. She LOVES tennis. Although he cooperated for this photo, I will tell you our son is not too fond of the racket. Something we wont share with GG:) He definitely prefers his golf club or soccer ball. With all his energy, we know he will play some sport for sure!

Things I cherish about Christopher right now and know I will miss as he gets older: 1) The big smile that greets me every morning from his crib, then the chase around the crib that ensues after. 2) His sweet baby chatter, so much to say. 3) The smile he gives to strangers anytime he is approached. 4) His love of "O's", Trader Joe's cereal, and the excitement he gets from feeding himself the "O's". 5) His giggle:), especially when you wrestle him, blow on his stomach or face, or when he is playing with his doggie Bear.

I'm sure there are a million other things that I will miss, these are just a few of the brightest...

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The Kasparians

The Kasparians
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