Chris discovering Baby Turtle
Emily and her little girl Penny
Chris and Simon
To some I know this is going to seem trivial, but for us today's lunch date was BIG, for it had been a long while since Christopher and I ventured out into the real world for any sort of fun. The day started out with Chris letting Mamma sleep-in until 6:30am, Chris grasping and playing with a toy for the first time, then us heading off to Little Toni's (a yummy local Italian deli) to get some sandwiches for our lunch date with our good friend Emily and her son Simon who is 1 week older than Chris. As we headed out for the day I was filled with mix feelings, thrill for this mini-adventure and a little anxiety of how it would all go. Over the past month we have barely been able to make it around the block for a stroll without Chris breaking out in major protest. Chris did good at Toni's, one of the guys behind the counter even commented on how good of a baby he was...He only protested a little towards the end of our purchase. Then it was off to the Chamberlains, Chris fell asleep to G n R. We arrived a little early so I drove around the neighborhood while Chris slept, soaking in the fresh air and fall leaves that surrounded us. When Chris woke up we were inside the Chamberlain's home and he smiled at the sight of Simon, such a sweet moment:). The rest of the day was simply perfect. Emily and I got the chance to hang out and enjoy our yummy sandwiches and babies together. We even managed a walk around the neighborhood together...Alright, Chris still protested a little at being in the stroller, but the moment I picked him up he was content the rest of the walk. No major fits! It was sooooo nice to get out...I know it did Chris and I both good!
Hey, thats us! can you tell it's been a while since i've been in the blogosphere? HE's so CUTE and we'd love to hang out again... anytime.