Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 3- Sheetrock

Day 2- The Wall

My computer was sick yesterday:), so I'm a day behind on my posts. Here was yesterday's work...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Noah's New Room Construction Day 1

I have finally come to the conclusion that my two boys are just TOO young to share a room if any of us wants sleep or sanity:). So, today marks the ground breaking day of construction to convert our garage into Noah's new sleeping space! With the help from Grandpa Bill, we are off and running. Here is a pic of the insulation laid in between the 2 x 4's that will hold the plywood for the new raised floor. Stay tuned for more pics and details as construction continues...

Bay Area Travels

So, I'm terribly behind on my blog...Better several weeks late than never right:) We have been surviving two ear infections (Chris & Noah) and a cold (Me). Noah's first tooth is peeking thru!

Finally. here are some pics from our travels up north. We had a lot of fun with family & friends we haven't seen for awhile as you will see (I will try to add details to pics later when I have more time to figure out how to)...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happy 6 Months Baby Boy!

Yesterday our little man turned 6 months old. Despite the fact that he, and now his big bro, have a cold:(...he still manages to give the biggest smiles that will always melt my heart. We celebrated with a little trip to Travel Train (Outdoor Train Museum) to ride the "Choo Choo", as Chris calls it.

Both boys are now sharing a room. I'm not going to say that this transition has been easy, still a work-in-progress. I long for the day that Noah will start to sleep-in past 4-4:30am! Please! Please! Please! I still love you a lot baby boy!

The Kasparians

The Kasparians
Family Pre-Baby